Budoshinkai member can be anyone seriously interested from among the general public or Martial Arts experts, which undertakes to respect the rules of BUDOSHINKAI INTERNATIONAL.

Member of the organizations for the season becomes an individual paying an annual license. The cost of this license is approved by the General Meeting for the season in September 2022 / August 2023, as follows – 500 CZK for all ages. For payment from abroad (outside the Czech Republic) put the message to the recipient: the name and date of birth and country from which you come from. Variable symbol is the date of birth – without slashes.

Adress : Budoshinkai International , Oldřichova 849/7, Liberec III – Jeřáb, 460 02 CZECH REPUBLIC
Account number: 160809511/0300 Post bank, IBAN – CZ21 0300 0000 0001 6080 9511, BIC – CEKOCZPP

On this account number is valid also for the examination fees at the technical level with the variable symbol 009 as a note to the recipient “test grade …… + name